I stood erect. I found myself unhurt. I turned. I lifted up mine yes. Behold! The Hill!
The apex of the colossal Pyramid is crowned by a stern silent figure, cut in sharp silhouette against the Orb of the Sun. I cried aloud: Hail unto Thee, O Star that art the Sun, Star that mountest the Height of the Heavens!
But my heart answered me, mysteriously, yet so that it availed me to understand it; "He riseth not nor sets! He goeth shining on His way, and before Him the Earth reeleth in the rhythm of her Bacchanal dance!"
Then I knew also this: all these poor dead men that lay about me had been slain by their own fear, their fault of faith in deeming that the Sun—or any Star—could die.
And now I, who had only felt the fear of that figure, feel the fascination.
I understand that He—whoever, whatever He may be—is He for whom we all so long had waited.
As I fix my eyes upon it, I become aware that its blackness against the light of the Star is only relative; and as I gain confidence in my sight, that darkness goes. The figure is a prism of pure crystal—it is the distortion and interference with the Light it transmits which caused those phantoms of terror to dance their Witches' Sabbath on the moving miasma.
And now I am drawn swiftly up by some invisible force; sucked by some vortex towards the Hill.
And now I face Him as He stands above me."
a pretty amazing work by crowley
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